Psychological Universe wish that 2018 will make you a better person, healthier in both body and mind.
Above all we hope you get more recognition for what you do, and become more loved for who you are!
At the same time, we want you to try to correct what you did wrong in 2017! Apologize for your mistakes, and possibly repair the damage you have inflicted on others.
Photos to illustrate forms of damage inflicted on others. A warscene and Michael Douglas as greedy Gordon Gekko.
Finally, we wish you to be more satisfied with life, because you also contribute to the community, stretching a hand to someone who needs it, adding to your local community some of the human resources that you represent. (Just paying the right tax is an easy way to support the pillars of society.)
Having “dugnad” for the local community, here planting trees to save the environment and clean the air.
Do not forget the kids! But more important than things, if they live above the poverty line, is that you create a relationship with them, giving them your attention and recognition. Yes, see them listen to them, be clear and set clear boundaries. Teach them that they can not only get things without contributing something themselves. It increases their self-esteem that you allow them to contribute to the family community. It both sets you as an adult in respect, but even more it gives self-respect to the kids and the young.
Respect the kids. Let them learn to contribute, and not only to receive from others
Finally, a message from those who could have fallen completely outside the community an into a criminal career, but did not: “See me, contact me, do not give me up, above all, find out what I’m good at, and help me to use these abilities both for my own part and for the community.”