Dignity, respect and recognition.

Recenttly, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people celebrated an important anniversary worldwide. Now it’s fifty years since Stonewall ridden against gay men in Manhattan, and the great rebellion that followed. These days also mark the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the LGBT organization and worldwide movement.

This is no deep and broad article on the understanding and struggle of gay people’s rights and lives. That may come in a later post. Instead, it is in all simplicity, our spontaneous way of congratulating, all those who deserve our attention and warmth these days. (ed. Psychological Universe.)

Girls night out, by losgalos.cl

What is so wrong with being fond of and feeling love for another person?

Yes, what is so wrong with loving a person of the same-sex as yourself? What is so sinful and apalling about that? When girls and women can be fond of and love boys and men both mentally and physically, why can’t boys and men also like and love other boys and men? When men can be fond of and love women, why can’t women also like and love each other? There is no obvious logic in this.

Girls-kiss on the beach, by Elite Daily
Today’s American heteto.mormative dream family. source unknown

In earlier days when it was crucial for the family and society to secure their macro structures through the nuclear family’s transfer of power from generation to generation.

Movie; Mr.Sunshine-Ae-sins-patriarchical-family-grandfather-by-Dramabeans.

Much of the problem with homosexuality must lie on a historically social and ecclesiastical religious level. When it was absolutely crucial that the nuclear family had children who could take care of the older parents. But not only close relatives. Just as important was the transfer of the family’ values and fortune, which then could be passed on for generations.

Families arranging marriages, Illustration from Man and woman in korean drama. by Quora

The more prosperous a family was, the more important it was to transfer the family fortune, ​​with houses and properties, to the next generation. It was largely about preserving power and positions. But also in poor families, the children who were born there, could help provide for the elderly, where there were no welfare benefits such as in many countries in the Western societies today.

Shame, guilt and exclusion as an instrument to curb this kind of love.

Getting a daughter or son who would not marry and have children, was perceived as a life penalty and completely unheard of. And the church that largely guarded the morale could condemn those who did not fulfill this expectation from the families and society.

In addition, the community, and also the country was dependent on getting new workers and taxpayers, and not least young soldiers to defend themselves from outside attacks, or even attack other countries to acquire colonies for the country.

There was one exception from the church’s and society’s condemnation. That was when the young ones choose the convent’s way of life both in celibacy and in sexual renunciation.

A young woman on her way to the monastry, by unknown source.
Kiev Ecumenical meeting, illustration by Archons org. (just an illustration)

Shame and guilt, exclusion and punishment awaited gay people if they did not meet the expected social norms related to family duties and the needs of society.

With heavy biblical writings in one hand, and selected quotes to hit the “transgressors” with in the other hand, the whole issue was narrowed down to sexuality. The focus was put on the sexual sin that gay men and women committed by falling in love with people of their own sex.

Politics and Christianity changed the perspective both on words and sexual relations.

  • When homosexuality was quietly accepted or tolerated.

According to Michael Castleman in his article on the origin of dirty language in Psychology Today, he says about the filthy words that:  “They’re “dirty” not because of sex, but because of political conquest.” I will add Christian tradition.

– Homosexuality was also banned.

When for example Christianity spread in The Ottoman Muslim Empire, covering most of the Middle east, and Northern Africa,-many things were forbidden that from ancient times were accepted in the Muslim countries.

That was the case with homosexuality.  If same-sex love between men in the common population , was not exactly encouraged by the Muslim authorities, it was very rarely looked down upon or punished. ** (Later, in some countries where sharia was practiced harshly you had to have four eyewitnesses proving your guiltiness.**

When it comes to female sexuality other than making babies and satisfying the husband, it seems that her sexuality was altogether suppressed in most parts of “the civilzed world”. see:  http://www.selvuniverset.com/2018/01/16/fed-sex-just-way-done/)

Map of The Ottoman Empire

But in all the countries that were put under British rule by the British Empire, homosexuality was forbidden and punished.***

Map of the enormous British Empire and its influence on cultural norms, even “people’s emotions like shame and guilt.”(my opinion)

*** (https://libcom.org/history/historical-look-attitudes-homosexuality-islamic-world) http://scroll.in/article/810093/orlando-shooting-its-different-now-but-muslims-have-a-long-history-of-accepting-homosexuality.) See also the article referred to here:

To be truthful about, and front that kind of love.

Worse still, it was for those who”came out” and lived out their longings. The shame and threat of exclusion as well as the guilt they felt were too heavy for many. Over time, a far higher percentage of all gays have killed themselves than heterosexuals.

Shame, guilt and social isolation, the result for many LHBT’s even today.

In some countries today, even the church has changed its attitudes toward gays.

That we now see a change of attitude in many parts of the world is due to both the struggle for general human rights, the homosexuals’ own struggles, and not least that society, with its family forms has changed. This has opened up equal-sex marriages even blessed by the church. It has at least been the case in several Norwegian and Scandinavian churches, that men get married with men and likewise women with women, under the roof of God, and with hymn singing and organ noise. In Berlin even a Mosque lead by a Muslim woman has opened its doors for gay people and transpersons, where men and women can pray together in the same hall.

Gay Marriage in danish church , The Telegraph

You don’t choose to be gay and can reconsider your choice when you want!

This is not the day for a psychological analysis of the causes of the prevalence of homosexuality. Here are many theories. But that it is a conscious choice to be gay, as some believe it to be, is contrary to what I have experienced with patients and friends. It is not like when you decide to study a particular subject at the University.

But the so-called “coming out of the closet” and start making your dream come true, is of course, most often a conscious choice.

Strong and genuine feelings.

Homosexuality is usually always about real feelings, longings and desires. Such sentiments go much deeper than the will. (I will return to this comprehensive topic in a later article this summer.)

The Rainbow flag, by The Adcocate

Finally, I would like to say: Congratulations to all LGBT people with their restored dignity, respect and recognition, at least in Norway and Scandinavia, and most countries in Europe, the US and Australia as well as New Zealand. My hope is that this acclaimed attitude is also spreading to the countries of the world who are not as open, but still condemn and pursue gays.

Then I congratulate all the rest of us, who can live in this rich diversity. As I have said many times before – “All families should have a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person in their midst. Both for the sake of testing their real values ​​and tolerance, and not least, to experience the joy of not only having hetero-normative A4 people around them. ”

More important than who we love and love is that we are able to love someone at all. At best, someone we can love, honor and take care of throughout their lives! Our wise King Harald V, in his speech to the multicultural Norway, said three years ago: “Norwegians are singles, divorced, and families with children, and old married couples. Norwegians are girls who love girls, boys who love boys, and girls and boys who love each other. “(The King’s tolerant attitude toward the diversity of his people seems very clear,)

King Harald’s speech to his multiculturaltale people in 2016, by SCANPIX
Love and hearts from us to YOU

Verdighet, respekt og anerkjennelse.

Nylig feiret homofile, lesbiske, bifile og transpersoner verden over et viktig jubileum. Nå er det femti år siden Stonewall raidet mot homofile på Manhattan fant sted, og det store opprøret som fulgte etterpå. Dagene markerer også femtiårsjubileet for LHBT organisasjonen tilblivelse.

Dette er ingen dyp og bred artikkel om forståelsen av og kampen for de homofiles rettigheter. Det får komme senere. I steden er det i all enkelhet, vår spontane måte å gratulere, alle de som absolutt fortjener vår oppmerksomhet og varme i disse dager. ( red. Psychological Universe.)

Girls night out, by losgalos.cl

Hva er det som er så galt med å være glad i, og elske?

Hva er det som er så galt med samkjønnet kjærlighet? Hva er det som er så galt med at noen mennesker forelsker seg i medlemmer av samme kjønn? Når kvinner kan bli glad i og elske menn både psykisk og fysisk, hvorfor kan ikke gutter og menn også bli glad i og elske andre gutter og menn? Når menn kan bli glad i og elske kvinner, hvorfor kan ikke også kvinner få bli glad i ,og elske hverandre? Det er ingen åpenbar logikk i dette.

lesbians-beach-girls-kiss, by Elite Daily
Today’s American heteto.mormative dream family. source unknown

Den gang det var avgjørende for familien og samfunnet å sikre sine makstrukturer gjennom kjernefamiliens overføring av makt fra generasjon til generasjon.

From the movie Mr. Sunshine-Ae-sin’s patriarchical family grandfather, by Dramabeans

Problemet med homofili må ligge på et historisk samfunnsmessig og kirkelig religiøst plan. Den gang det var helt avgjørende at kjernefamilien fikk barn som kunne ta vare på de gamle foreldrene, og arve familiens verdier, som så kunne føres videre i generasjoner. Jo mer velstående en familie var, desto viktigere ble det å føre familieverdiene med hus og eiendommer videre til neste generasjon. Det handlet om å bevare makt og posisjoner. Men også i fattige familier kunne barna som ble født der hjelpe til med å forsørge de gamle, der det ikke fantes velferdsgoder slik som i mange land i vesten i dag.

Families arranging marriages, Illustration from Man and woman in korean drama. by Quora

Skam, skyld og utstøtelse som virkemiddel.

Å få en datter eller sønn som ikke ville gifte seg og få barn ble oppfattet som en straffedom og fullstendig uhørt. Og kirken som i stor grad voktet moralen, kunne fordømme dem som ikke innfridde denne forventning fra familiene og samfunnet. Så sant da ikke de unge valgte klosterets levemåte, i sølibat og seksuell forsakelse. Dessuten var samfunnet avhengig av at landet fikk nye arbeidstakere og skattebetalere, og ikke minst unge soldater til å forsvare seg mot angrep utenfra, eller selv angripe andre land for å skaffe seg kolonier og imperiemakt.

Kiev Ecumenical meeting, illustration by Archons org. (just an illustration)

Skam og skyldfølelse, utstøtelse og straff ventet de homofile hvis de ikke innfridde de forventede samfunnsnormene knyttet til familiens oppgaver og samfunnets behov.

Med tunge bibelske skrifter i hånden og utvalgte sitater å slå i bordet med, ble hele problematikken snevret inn mot den seksuelle synden homofile menn og kvinner begikk ved å forelske seg i en av samme kjønn. Enda verre var det for dem som levde ut sin legning åpent eller i skjul. Skammen og trusselen om utstøtelse samt skyldfølelsen de kjente på ble så altfor stor for mange. Oppigjennom tidene har et langt høyere prosenttall homofile tatt livet av seg enn heterofile.

shame, guilt and social isolation, the result for many LHBT’s even today.

I noen land idag har selv kirken endret sine holdninger til homofile.

At vi nå ser en holdningsendring i mange deler av verden, skyldes både kampen om generelle menneskerettigheter, de homofiles egne kamper, og ikke minst at samfunnet, med sine familieformer har endret seg. Dette har åpnet opp for likekjønnede ekteskap til og med velsignet av kirken. Sånn har det i hvert fall vært tilfelle i flere norske og skandinaviske kirker, at menn får gifte seg med menn og likeledes kvinner med kvinner, under Guds tak, og med salmesang og orgelbrus.

Gay Marriage in danish church , The Telegraph

Du velger ikke å være homofil, og kan revurdere din beslutning og bli heterofil igjen.

Dette er ikke dagen for en psykologisk analyse av årsakene til utbredelsen av homofili. Her finnes mange teorier. Men at det skulle være et bevisst valg, slik som noen mener, akkurat som når man bestemmer seg for en bestemt utdannelse innen et fag, tror jeg ikke noe på. Men det å såkalt “gå ut av skapet” og /eller leve ut sin legning handler selvfølgelig oftest om bevisste valg.

Sterke og ekte følelser.

Homofili handler vanligvis alltid om ekte følelser, lengsler og begjær, som går mye dypere enn viljen. (Jeg vil komme tilbake til dette omfattende temaet i en senere artikkel i sommer.)

The Rainbow flag, by The Adcocate

Til slutt vil jeg si: Gratulerer til alle dere LHBT-ere med gjenopprettet verdighet, respekt og anerkjennelse, i alle fall i Norge og Skandinavia, og de fleste land i Europa, USA og Australia samt New Zealand.

Mitt håp er at denne anerkjennende holdningen sprer seg også til de landene i verden som ikke er like åpne, men fortsatt fordømmer og forfølger homofile. Så vil jeg gratulere alle oss andre som får leve i dette rike mangfoldet. Som jeg har sagt mange ganger før;- “alle familier burde ha en lesbisk, homofil, bifil eller transperson i sin midte. Både for å bryne sine verdier og sin toleranse, men ikke minst får å oppleve gleden ved ikke bare å ha hetero-normative A4 folk rundt seg.

Viktigere enn hvem vi blir glad i og elsker, er at vi evner å bli glad i noen i det hele tatt. I beste fall noen vi kan elske, ære og ta vare på hele livet igjennom!

Vår kloke Kong Harald V, sa i sin tale til det flerkulturelle Norge for tre år siden:

Nordmenn er enslige, skilte, barnefamilier og gamle ektepar. Nordmenn er jenter som er glad i jenter, gutter som er glad i gutter, og jenter og gutter som er glad i hverandre. “ ( Kongens holdning her sier vel det meste, )

Kong Harald’s tale til folket 2016, by SCANPIX
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