How to gain
consciousness on the basis of brain structure, neuron-types, three functional
systems, and three levels of complexity in the processing of data from our
seven senses?(see part one 1/2)
interacting brains, by Science News
The purpose
of this double article has been to show how the brain, through its structure
and function, has an inherent capacity; “to being able to surpass itself”.
By being structured as a sense-based and linguistic hierarchical organization,
with information flow both vertically up and down and horizontally in a network
between the systems, the brain can also develop so called recursivity or double
feedback. This occurs through a kind of reflexivity, a sort of surveillance
window at the front of the skull. It is this window or surveillance tower that can
achieve double consciousness or reflexive self-awareness. From this source, the
brain can mobilize an intense engagement for a personal cause, or a political
goal. It can also provide the system that regulates the body’s wakefulness and
excitement with messages to stay awake and alert. Then it can work undisturbed
day and night against those goals.
Albert Einstein, the father of modern psysics, by Liberty Classical Academy
A theory of consciousness based on the findings of A.R Luria.
Alexander R. Luria, by Utforsk Sinnet
My own deductions from Luria’s theory:
following text is based on my long-standing speculations and assumptions about
the over mentioned subject: How awareness and self-awareness are possible based
on what we know about the brain. You might have ended up with other
conclusions, or strongly disagree on this matter. I do hope, however that you
will read this short chapter 2, and test my suppositions with your own brain,
knowledge and experience.
The third system has the key to advanced consciousness.
In my opinion, we must go to the 3rd and last main system Luria refers to, to answer this crucial question about human consciousness. From this system, the brain programs and organizes your body’s movements and actions, (via motor neurons in the parietal lobes.) From here the brain also checks and regulates your behavior in relation to these goals and plans.
The third system is completely dependent on information from the other two systems to function properly. That is, it bases its planning and executive activities and quality checking, upon the experiences of the senses.
seven-hands-on-top-of-each-other-community-concept, by Positive Routines
This is because up here on this information-collecting platform, everything the individual has experienced is integrated. Here are the results of all trial and errors, – all successes and defeats memorized.
With the help of our language, images, melodies, motor skills, as well as good and painful experiences, and socially learned norms, these data are combined into a complex whole. Here all the multi-modal pieces of information are woven together into an overall image and understanding of the world. Primarily this means the total context in which the individual is a part of. Both a family, a community, as well as a country and the outside world.
Consciousness is a deep relational experience.
This wide understanding does not happen without the close relationships with caregivers. Mothers and fathers that communicate with their child through a verbal or symbol-based language. Via the child’s language center in the temporal lobes, there is a gradual decoding of the sounds in the public language, to more-or-less meaningful references to the experienced self and world of the child. A world of personal character.
Functions and localizations in the brain, by nl
The concepts therefore must be relevant and related to the phenomena that the child recognizes, but which also reflects the family and society’s values and attitudes.
The “hand of wakefulness”, “the hand of the seven senses”, and on top of them, “the hand of programming and processing all the information”
This third main system is pictorially the hand whose fingers have touched the fingers of the other two system’s hands and laid its own fingers on top of them as a guiding hand. In other words, we can visualize this as the superstructure of the human brain’s hierarchical organization. A superstructure that relies on the many experiences of muscle and body action, in addition to the close contact with the first system of energy and wakefulness, and the second system of the seven senses.
Allmost every sense in action. Carlotta+Ferlito+Olympics+Day+6, by Carlotta Ferlito
The quality of the cerebral superstructure.
Mostly this superstructure is not in itself bound to the specific senses, but rather constitutes an abstraction and synthesis of them. It is neither modal nor multimodal, but so-called a-modal. This fact raises the third system above the other two systems! This placement puts it in a unique position to overview the whole situation. And that brings us even closer to the answer of my question about consciousness.
The frontal lobe as a superstructure, borrowed from Phys org
Awareness and self-awareness
There is a difference between consciousness and self-awareness. Consciousness is present when you are awake and oriented to time and place. That is, if someone asks you who you are, then you remember your name, remember where you live, your birthday, and know approximately what time it is.
Memory plays a significant role in consciousness. If you are normally conscious, you are pretty much aware of much of your past, that you are living now, and that you also have a future. Unlike very young children, you are aware that you are you, and can thus distinguish between yourself and others. This type of consciousness requires figuratively the hand that rises above the other two systems, like the recently mentioned superstructure.
Three hands upon one another., by iStock
But this form of consciousness is necessary but not sufficiently to achieve self-awareness, defined as a higher degree of consciousness. This is a type of awareness that can put itself in a perspective and be conscious of its own self-awareness.
Cyckopic Eye, Cucci, by Metro
Back to the
picture of the hands and fingers: See before you three forearms with hands
standing up in a vertical position. One forearm and hand represent the first
system that takes care of your attention and alertness. The other forearm and
hand process information from the seven senses and channel the information upwards
(see above). While the third forearm and hand represent the central
administration of plans and actioning. This is a center that put itself on top
of the other two hands of fluid info, and spread its fingers out in the front lobe
of our brain.
The same three hands upon one another., by iStock
If we are finally to complete the imaging of your brain with the principle of self-consciousness, we can imagine that your top-steered, “upper hand’s fingers have a mirror on each nail. These “mirror fingernails” can not only reflect the outside world, but also itself.
But this will only happen if the outside world and you yourself are conveyed through the eyes and brain of another person as you develop from infant to toddler and to adolescent.
Good relations are vital to positive conscious awareness. photo by The Telegraph
Consciousness as we speak of it here, is therefore a very complex neuropsychological, bio-social, and relational state of mind. Your brain has as we have seen, absolutely the proper structure and functions to gain conscious awareness. But it needs to interact with other brains to achieve this advanced state of mind.
Psychological theory and psychopathology show us how dependent we are on safe and supportive parenting figures to gain sufficiently conscious awareness. In worst case, this can make the difference between a healthy mind or a mental collapse with total confusion.
Baby who is alert and much awake, ready to build up experiences that in due course will make him or her consciously aware. By North West
What about AI,- artificial intelligence and consciousness?
When you read this, your brain is in full activity. It makes sure you breathe, without having to think about it – It tries to keep you awake even though parts of the text may seem heavy. It directs your eyes on the words, sentences, and paragraphs in the text. At the same time, the brain can remind you of having recently put the kettle on, or the coffee machine. It can tell you if you sit in a wrong position, and you need to straighten your back.
Awareness of being alive and being able to think, by Seven Seals
Conscious awareness
Conscious person aware of another person looking at him, unknown source
Your brain considers whether this written text sounds logical, from what you already know, or if it sounds speculative or wrong. Yes, it constantly compares parts of the content with the knowledge you already have about the brain. It also considers language quality like grammar, syntax and semantics. All this and much more does your brain work upon. While suddenly at the same time, your brain can make itself aware of all these activities and remind you of, that only you are you, in this infinite universe. I guess, reminding yourself of all this about your brain, you won’t find it strange after all, that it uses 25% of all energy available in the body, even when you are at rest or sleep.
The world’s most advanced organization.
The human brain, by mozg-cheloveka-stroenie, fi
The brain weighs only about one and a half pounds, and fits into your hand. Yet, this little jellyfish can control all your movements, recognize thousands of faces, perceive hundreds of thousands of words, marvel at the universe’s creation, development, and infinity. If this was not enough, it might even marvel at its own wonder. It can become self-conscious!
As the neurologist Ramachandran puts it, “this lump of nerve cells and compounds has the ability to go outside itself and observe its own way of observing itself. (Ramachandran 2009) In psychology, this is called developing a higher level of self-awareness, in neuroscience and neuropsychology it is called recursivity.
Billions of nerve cells
There is no lack of brain cells or so-called neurons in your head. The brain is estimated to have nearly 84.6 billion of them. (Azevedo et al. 2009) FA1, (Nordal, prof. Emerit. Neurological department, Oslo University Hospital Ullevål) Each of these neurons has the possibility of between 1000 and 10,000 branches and connections to other neurons in the brain. (Ramachandran 2009) This is in number more connectivity options than there are elementary particles in the universe, he claims.
Higgs Boson, by Science First Hand
That sounds a bit exaggerated, I think, but there is nevertheless a vast opportunity of possible combinations between our brain cells, the so-called neurons, and other neurons or groups of neurons in our head. Such myriads of combinations are called permutations by neuroscientists.
The amount of brain cells is not enough
However, the number of brain cells and connectivity between them, will not lead us closer to the answer to how consciousness and self-awareness are possible in man. That is why I believe that artificial intelligence has great difficulty in achieving this type of double consciousness about itself, or recursivity.
_mt_ai-neural-response_feat. by science news
To understand how the human brain can achieve conscious awareness, we need to search for some basic principles of how our brain works. The researcher who, in my opinion, taught me most about this, was neither eminent neuroscientists like Fischer, Greenough, Siegal or Thompson. Although these researchers have all been excellent in mapping the structure and functions of the brain using highly advanced digital devices, so-called fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging).
And Alan Schore has been most useful in sharing with us how the infant brain’s right half, correspond with mother’s brain and her care for the child, in it’s first two years. And likewise correspond with fathers’s presence and care, with the child’s left brain, in it’s third year and upwards. This has had an enormous impact on how we ought to think about the impact of differentiated parental leave during the child’s first three year.
A study subject in an fMRI machine, by
But for me it has first and foremost, been the neuropsychologist, and theorist Alexander R. Luria’s principles of brain functioning, that has had the greatest impact on my understanding of the brain! (Luria 1974, “The Working Brain”).
Threee main brain systems, and three levels of brain cell specificity.
Luria claims from his long-lasting studies and research findings, both from healthy and brain-injured persons, that the brain has three main functional systems. These systems are based on three different main tasks that our brain must manage. These are; 1. Economizing body/brain energy. 2. Memory and the processing of information. And last, but not least; 3. Preparation of plans, goal achievement, and quality checking.
1.Economizing body/brain energy.
– Attention and alertness. (Energy conservation)
Sevens signs you are truly uplift connect
We need a system that takes care of and manages the energy needed to keep us awake and sharpened in relation to the tasks we are to perform. If we have so little energy available that we almost doze off or fall asleep all the time, we will not get much done. At least not at work in any kind of job. So, here our brain must mobilize and take into use the whole body’s energy resources.
A very tired young person,by Pond5
That is because the other two systems in the brain also need this energy regulator to perform their tasks. Thus we, and not just the brain, but the whole body, are completely dependent on this absolute basic function of the brain. People with injuries in the brain stem, where much of this is controlled, are either in coma or have major problems keeping themselves awake.
states-of-mind-main, NeuroBanter
2. The processing of information and memory.
Our seven senses and their levels of structure.
The other main task of the brain is, to build a system that can receive information from the seven senses. (Usually we only count five) five different sensory organs. In real, we have seven senses! The 7 Senses are: Sight. Smell. Taste. Hearing. Touch. Vestibular. (Balance and equilibrium) Proprioception. (Knowledge of the position of our limbs and our movements.)
Our-Seven-Senses, by Hyde Park School
This second system must be able to analyze the seven different pieces of sense-information, remember them, and not least put them together into a larger entity. If not, these seven underlying information systems; – Vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, balance, and the position of your limbs, head and arms, will not be integrated into a sensory overall picture. Then we would find ourselves in an informational or should I say, “sensational” chaos.
And again, the preparatory work ahead of this integration depends on the fact that each of the seven sensory systems has a hierarchical structure. That is, each sensory system is built up of three levels with increasing gradients of complexity. This means that sensory stimuli are sorted out from the simplest and most primitive detail-oriented impressions, to compound, meaningful, and recognizable overall images.
In other words, on the part of our vision, the processing of that sensory information may start from a glossy colored or black and white flash of light, at level 1, to the contours of an entire human being at level 3. Similar, the level 1. of our hearing sense, processing starts with receiving unrecognizable beeps or quench, builds up on level 2, until level 3. may fulfill the sound image with the contours of the recognizable song of a blackbird.
Vision level 3: Contours of a human being, Stock photo.A blackbird after long processing and concept making.
But even this processed material from the seven sensory-related information systems, must be coordinated with the movement apparatus and other parts of the brain, in order to become complete. And to master this task, the brain must make use of the overall third system.
3. Planning, goal management, activation and quality checking.
The main task of this brain-system is to develop a center on top of the sensory-brain that can give a holistic and unifying impression of the already processed sensory data we referred to in the chapter above. That is to put together all the pieces of modal or sensory-specific information from the sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, movement, and position, to an overall multi modal picture of the surroundings. Only on this sensory basis, the brain will be able to organize and program appropriate actions.
Shanghai-Urban-Planning-Centre, by New Zealand and China Frienship Society
At the same time, the brain must also be able to check itself currently and correct the actions in the light of the original goals and plans.
Vertical organization and types of brain cells on each level.
Our brain already has at birth the anatomical basis for organizing itself in three such systems. Thus, it will also be able to bring sensory data from chaos to order, movements from random sleek kicks to accurate scores, like in soccer. This is possible because each system, according to Luria (1974), is organized vertically in the brain and even consists of at least three different levels. At the same time, there are different concentrations of different types of neurons (brain cells) at each of these levels. This applies, as I said, to all six sensory systems, – to sight, hearing, smell, taste, movement sensation and touch, as well as to balance.
For the sake of simplicity, we can say that at level 1, the so called reception level for the sensory impressions, here we have mostly first-layer neurons, and considerably fewer second-layer neurons. (The neuron types are called slightly different by different researchers, but the principle is basically the same.)
At level 2, where the further processing of the simple sensory stimuli from level 1 takes place, here we find mostly second-layer neurons. At the same time, there are also some first layer and third layer neurons, to provide overlap between levels.
Likewise, at level 3, where even further treatment of the sensory data takes place, we find mostly third-layer neurons, but also some second-layer neurons, in the actual transitional area between the two levels. This differentiation of neurons enables a gradual overlap between the levels. By this construction the brain makes sure that the raw data from level 1, are converted into increasingly more meaningful information, the further “up the ladder” to level 3 it comes.
From pointless dots and flashes of light to entire contours of people and things.
Down in the depths of level 1, where first-layer neurons dominate, it has for the part of the sense-of-sight, not yet become a complete impression. There are only luminous dots, blisters and flashes, but no recognizable contours, shapes or images. Only when these pieces of information are passed on to the higher and less specialized second level neurons, that the pieces are merged into clearer patterns. Here we find the more integrative and associative cell layers in the whole sense hierarchy.
And from here they are forwarded up to level 3, where they are combined into larger recognizable entities. In short, visual sensory impressions consisting of flashes of light in different colors, luminance and dots from level 1, are, gradually built up to parts of an image or a known shape at level 2. This occurs by means of the neurons at this second level. And then finally, these sensory data chunks are transported to the above mentioned, level 3, and can here be recognized as a whole object, face or landscape.
The same process applies to the other senses. The sound impulses for example start at ground floor, with the highly specialized deeper layers of level 1 neurons. Here they are received in such a fragmented state that they make little sense. Then, at the second level, mainly consisting of so-called second layer neurons with some first-layer neurons and some 3rd-layer neurons in the transition between levels, – here we find bits of a recognizable sound sequence. But at the next third level, the sound impulses merge in such a way that the brain can perceive them as a word, a sentence, the voice of mother and father, or a melody.
Languages and concepts are needed to differentiate sensory data into separate units. We have already seen that common to the three main systems of the brain is that the nerve impulses from the body’s seven senses, first go to the deeper and more primitive levels of the brain. From here they are transmitted and processed upwards to the higher brain levels, where they are analyzed and spread. But this is not enough to really see and visually recognize a certain object, for example a broom or a person. We also need to develop a language, a world of thoughts, consisting of words and separable concepts, that can differentiate and identify all the impressions from our different senses.
This also includes a rich universe of emotions, longings and desires. Because the simplest and most basic primary system of energy, wakefulness and alertness, will also be influenced from above. That is, information and nerve impulses go both ways, both up and down the system.
Attention and alertness will not only be influenced by nutrition, blood sugar, and hormonal activity, but also by thoughts, feelings, plans, and actions. If we look forward to something, for example a journey, or meeting with a girl or boyfriend, visualizing this event will mobilize much more energy and attention than if we have to do something terribly boring. For example; like sitting stuck, waiting in a queue on a highway on your way home from work. Y a w n.
Making a picture of the brain structure and functions already described.
One upright hand with fingers, illustration, by Ergon Bike
Let us imagine a human hand from the wrist and up, which spread it’s fingers like the beams of a vault, or the ribs of an umbrella. Then we have a picture of the vertical organization of the first basic system of our brain, the system of wakefulness and energy optimization. This hand with the wrist and parts of the forearm will make up the 1st system, which regulates the supply of energy to the brain and organism in general. Almost like an umbrella or parasol, this hand stands up from the depths of the brain.
The ribs of an umbrella, by Your-Complete-Guide-To-All-The-Parts-of-an-Umbrella
Through the brain stem and up through the older, more primitive parts of the brain, it goes all the way up and out towards the advanced frontal lobes. This, 1st system also controls the metabolism of the body, the secretion of vital hormones and regulates the sugar balance. It involves breathing, digestion, and even reproduction. But it does not fire nerve impulses in the same way as the other two systems. According to Luria, it acts as a network of cells that spread their impulses up or down the brain, by increasing or decreasing the degree of tension and intensity.
We can add to the picture, the second “hand” or system, the one that organize and process the information from our seven senses. This hand spread out and somewhat merge its fingers, on top of the recently described first system. The last forearm and hand, the system 3, that make programs, do planning and check the quality of the body’s executive actions, works mostly in the opposite direction. Which means that it works from the top and downwards. It somewhat creates an overview, from what the senses have conveyed, and what wakefulness and energy allow.
seven-hands-on-top-of-each-other-community-concept, by Positive Routines
On this basis, the third system enable us to set goals and execute plans to achieve these aims. It sends messages to the motor neurons of initiating movements and actions through the large and small muscles of the body. This also includes the mouth, tongue and the vocal cords of our throat.
The crucial question of consciousness
Then we come to the most difficult question to be answered: How is advanced human consciousness possible by just looking at the brain’s structure and the function of its neurons? And, can a computer construct the notion you and I have right now? The fact that we exist as human beings and individuals on earth, in this vast universe? These are the problems we’ll try to answer in the following two articles. Here we will also wonder if computers or artificial intelligence is ever likely to achieve this kind of conscious awareness.