In a very different climate: How would YOU feel?
Imagine living in a very nature-rich, warm and tropical America, – today the United States. A continent with so much natural diversity that you could sow and harvest two three times a year. You could hunt for protein-rich animal species only with a simple bow and arrow, there were plenty of fish in the water and in the sea. There was no need to stock up, or obtain food or natural wealth elsewhere. You had everything on a this continent alone

In this thought experiment you can imagine that this was also the case in England, France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal. But not in Africa! Here it was cooler, almost northern European temperature, quite harsh winters, and you had to stock up or find ways to survive that required more specialization, not least when it came to the production of clothing and materials for insulating homes.
To adapt to climate, natural diversity and temperature:
Man is endowed, – regardless of color and race, that he develops the best and most effective way of survival based on the conditions offered by the natural surroundings, both with his brain capacity, his handiwork aswell as dexterity.
So in Africa, they developed boats and shipping, they developed spinning machines and other inventions that made everyday life and especially winter more comfortable. They also found a simple, yet very effective money system, instead of simply exchanging goods for another item. They also invented the rifle so that hunting became even more effective. With weapons, African farmers could also acquire new land and protect the property with ammunition. Some discovered that having enough weapons gave them a power over other peasants, and a class system developed, where the peasants could ravage with the smaller peasants, and acquire more and more land. Here they could grow cotton, fruits, coffee, oranges, etc. , food that they needed for themselves and for sale and export.
“Help, they are completely white all over, the poor paleskins!”

But then the largest African landowners also needed a large workforce. Since most African men were self-sufficient farmers who had enough of their own, the large African landowners had to look for other ways to get workers. On several of the Africans’ travels around the world, they came to countries where people looked terrified and pale. It was a frightening sight, and these bleached people seemed completely naive and stupid. Almost childish in their good faith. They did not believe in any Christian God either. So why not take these mumbling, quacking idiots of some people over to Africa and use them as free labor on the large and medium sized plantations.

White non- Christian and heathen boys and men, a frightening primitive sight for the African slave traders. But these albino apelike people could well come in handy, when sold on the market in Mombasa.
To capture, transport, sell and exploit other people for one’s own benefit and profit:
As thought so done! Here they also brought Brazilians and South Americans to kidnap North Americans from their homeland. Many of the wild Americans resisted being captured, but with weapons in hand and bribes by some of their chiefs, things went fairly well, except that many Americans did not tolerate the sea voyage to Africa and died on the road. But there were so many of them and it was almost impossible to see the difference between these whites, what played about 100 or 500 dead from them, – to and fro.

Finally arriving in Africa, the Americans were sold by the slave traders to the highest-ranking African landowners. The pale but powerful muscular young men went for the highest price, while the low and slightly hooked, and tired after the sea voyage , went on cheap sales. From the pier in the major African cities, the trip went to the plantations, where the American white slaves were put to work immediately. Some also got links around their feet, so they wouldn’t escape. The American ladies and fine Mamselles were set to work inside the farms, estates and mansions!
The work day could last up to 14 hours a day, and if the whites did not do what was expected of them, they were whipped and beaten. For hundreds of years, Americans had it like this in Africa, while the landowners, plantation owners became richer and richer. In the meantime, these property owners expanded their territories and means. They also achieved with their money contributions positions of power and leadership in African politics. From these positions in the Senate and the House of Representatives, they could make laws that legitimized both their slave trade and the brutal exploitation and punishment of whites!

The blacks believed they were superior to whites because they had created a civilization of cities, industry, advanced technology, while whites in America, England, France, Belgium, Spain, and Portugal still lived largely by nature.

Besides that, also many whites flew around the bush completely or half naked. They clearly had enough power in their legs and arms, but unfortunately not in their brains. This made the Black Africans to believe they were justified in ruling over them !

There were also those who felt a little sorry for the whites:

Not until N’Gadana Mbeki abolished slavery in 1865, could the slaves achieve their freedom. But freedom is too strong a word. They had neither goods nor gold, land nor money. The fate of these poor Americans was to continue a kind of slavery to earn a living as second-class citizens, whom none of the blacks would recognize as good Africans. In this way, Africa was divided between the rich black population with proper civil rights, and on the opposite side a white subclass called “paleskins” who had access to only a few public places, schools and universities, with very low status.

When the cars arrived they had to drive around in separate buses, almost like prisoners. Then there were riots. An organization of arch-conservative Africans “Keenia-Crux-Plan”, began to kill white Africans. This created an atmosphere of riots and protest marches, with car fires, street battles and mass arrests in Mombasa and Nairobi, as well as four other major cities on the continent.

President Johnson McKele finally calmed down the controversy with his Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination against whites. But to this day, whites are hated, looked down upon and suffering financially below the poverty line in Africa. They make up the majority of prisoners in Africa and cannot afford good lawyers. The whites can be arrested for no reason, they are stopped 4 times as often by the police as the blacks. They are shot, tortured and mutilated by police in most African states.

The white’s indignant cry that the world must wake up:
“We have never asked to be kidnapped from the US, our homeland, by you Africans, say the white activists. We white Americans have never asked to be sold as pets, put to slavery to make you Africans rich. And now you look down on us, hate us many of you, fear us, consider us criminals, even though most of us have done nothing wrong at all!”
“You black privileged are mostly set free of everything you do against African law! Yet it is you who are the criminals who captured our white American ancestors and forced them to both live and enslave you in a completely foreign land, without rights. And when the kidnapped white slaves again have children and grandchildren, we are considered a problem to the society, as worthless, lazy, and “paleskin Africans”. A type of low rank Africans that you can kick and hit whenever it pleases you. MANY OF YOU REALLY DON’T KNOW THE HISTORY! You just see the white complexion and think – that’s the problem. “
“The problem of whites is due to all the misery that comes with the white race, you think. But we say. Either you have such a bad conscience or so poor self-esteem that you need someone to blame, or you have someone to look down on, which you think is even less worthy of yourself. This attitude even exists among the rich and pure, black Africans who both our ancestors and our descendants have given our lives to enrich, yes do enormously rich and powerful. So rich that many of you are controlling or influencing the government of Africa now, with your huge money gifts. Your deeper bad conscience almost seems like when the innermost shameless MeToo accused boss, blames his raped secretary for being a whore who seduced him and not the other way around! Shame on you! That’s how we feel this injustice when you last in Nairobi, arrest the white 45-year-old William Britton, just for a trifle of suspicion. Then you toss him to the ground and puts your knee on his carotid artery for eight minutes and 46 seconds, so he dies of choking and cardiac arrest. And all this, just because he has no dark color in his skin! Fuck, how historically ignorant you are! “
Greetings from one of the angry leaders of WLM.

PS. As everyone knows: Africans never did all this! They did not kidnap their white sisters and brothers in America and made them slaves for their own benefit! They did not beat their descendants, beat them to death, let the police imprison, shoot or strangle them without law and judgment. They didn’t look down at them, or dump their own frustration on them. They did not even think they were primitive and stupid, or dangerous and had to be held down!
United States of America: Thank the Afro-Americans for their enormous contribution to american wealth by their hard slavery work for hundreds of years. Above all, apologize for all the abuses committed against them!

Yes, the United States of America should thank its African-American brothers and sisters for contributing, through their slavery, making the US the world’s most powerful state. A state that, with the right leaders and with a policy of equalization, could have been a democratic pioneer in the world!