American citizens, please wake up! ( but wait going out until the Corona crisis is over)
Save yourself and the rest of America’s 99 % of its citizens, from being lured and robbed, even fooled by the 1%, probably 0.1% of its very, very privileged economical elite. That is if you mean that America should be ruled and influenced by more than 1% of its wonderful population!
Looking with admiration to America.
In Norway and the other Scandinavian countries, we have a long tradition of looking to America as the main beacon of liberty, hope and prosperity for the common man, woman and family. That is ordinary, honest and hardworking people, even the disabled and sick. But the last decades this beacon of hope and chances to succeed in life has radically diminished. So now We are quite concerned about whether the United States is really, still a democracy! And that will be a Big Psychological Problem!
Why? Because every citizen in a modern democracy need to have confidence in their leaders and institutions. Not the least have faith in the State’s system of election, and how the more unfortunate citizens can achieve help, and avoid eviction from their homes.If this basic trust is broken, the society will gradually fall apart, and destabilize. The result of that can be a very nervous and stressed population, even with some paranoic traits, in need of blaming some innocent group of people, for it’s misfortune.
To be fooled by empty promises is a risky business when it comes to voting for candidates.
Mobilzing all Americans from Super Tuesday until November 3th.
– How many Americans are there?
Today year 2020 you Americans count 331 million people (331,002,651 referring to US Population (2020) – Worldometer). Why should only 295 thousand people out of 331 million of you, rule your country by their money and their capacity to raise campaigns for themselves and their enterprises. Does this give every citizen engaged in politics , and with a great talent for it, a fair chance to end in the oval office?
– A fair distribution of the nation’s wealth?
America Got Talent for Democracy? A homeless man sleeps under an American Flag blanket on a park bench on September 10, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. As of June 2013, there were an all-time record of 50,900 homeless people, including 12,100 homeless families with 21,300 homeless children homeless in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Why should the very few be able to rig the system in their favor and send the bill to you? Why should they be able to avoid paying taxes, that almost strangle a triple job, hard working family- father or mother. These 1% people can even run as candidates for Presidential elections. Who do you think they feel they owe a Big favor, when they come to power? You, or the other millionaires or billionaires that supported their campaign? (se painting below)
Most Scandinavians accept and recognize America’s rich population. But we do not think you manage to keep up the very American idea of Liberty and Freedom, even Democracy, if these few alone shall rule and dominate your future politics!
Do you still believe in the American dream? by the Economist
I won’t imply you don’t care, or let others take care of your country’s future .
Excuse me for thinking you are lying on your coach these days! You are probably very hard-working, You are a student. Or you have a job, or are struggling looking for enough jobs to pay your bills and rent. Perhaps you are looking for jobs that do not longer exist, or you are sick and tired, in fact even without a good enough health insurance! Then many of you are in danger of being evicted from your home!
For that reason I beg you to get out of “the sofa” , leave Fox news and other conservative propaganda channels and engage yourself in your future! Your future in America is also our future in Europe, yes all over the world! If you are in a position to participate in choosing delegates for the Democrats, please do. Choose whoever you think may better your Life and have a chance against Trump on November 3. Preferably choose one of those candidates that feel obligated to help the ordinary American man and woman, not only through words, but in real, – if they get elected.
Now this time you look to Norway and Scandinavia.
America need a solid change in direction. For once look to Norway and the Scandinavian countries. We have mostly been ruled by social democrats. Even the conservative parties are somewhat social democratic here up in the North. And we are rich countries, very rich, but the wealth is distributed throughout the population.
Here you can also get personally extremely rich. However, year after year we are rated as the best nations to live in for all people, both rich and poor. With free health care for all, free education and mostly a happy trustful population. We also have problems to solve, but they are absolutely not related to the practicing of Social democracy. On the contrary!
A small and rich town in the fjords, by SunnmørspostenThe Oslo Opera House, by Snøhetta architechts
Don’ be afraid!
-“Not me,-Us!”( Bernie Sander’s slogan)
So, don’t be afraid of neither Bernie Sanders, (earlier also Elisabeth Warren!) Bernie has not received a penny for his campaign from millionaires, only from ordinary American citizens. Listen to what he says: “Not Me, Us!” “Us” is both a reference to the community of Americans, and to America as US.
If you are a Democrat why not go for Bernie Sanders, and you’ll get a very good security net both on health and social care. That is of course if Bernie beats Donald! If you are originally a Rebublican, as my American family are, try voting for Biden this time! I would myself go for Bernie, because he stands for some basic values we cherish in our very rich and safe Scandinavian countries! But whoever you choose, follow your heart, hand in hand with your marvellous brain! And for “God’s and Good’s sake”, use your own crap detector when you listen to the candidates speaking.
Bernie Sanders and Elisabeth Warren, by the New Yorker. Can she restore liberty, equality, justice and brotherhood for all Americans?