Welcome to Psychological Universe’s picture gallery. (selvuniverset.com.)
NB. WARNING: All these photos and pictures are out of their original and meaningful written context! They all belong to a text or article where they are meant to help the reader to visualize the different issues discussed, or serve as documentation of Psychological Universe’s argumentation.
NB: Some of the pictures seem very political, but in their original context they are linked to psychological issues. Some of them seem pornographic, but in the original article, they refer to a psychosexual theme, or problem that many young and mature people are occupied with, or suffer from. Just scroll over if you are uneasy with them. Most of the pictures are taken from known sources, and named by their source in the original article, some have an unknown source, and many are taken by Psychological Universe’s own photographer.
We recommend the reader, when looking at a photo with special interest, to search for the corresponding text in the website’s page of CONTENT or Archives.

Updating more photos from archives at the moment….