“DE HVITES PROBLEM”. Om å snu på historien på hodet, for George Floyds skyld.

I denne omsnudde historien er dette i Amerika på 16-1700 tallet

I et annet klima:

Forestill deg at du bodde i et meget natur-rikt, varmt og tropisk USA. Et kontinent med så stort naturmangfold at man kunne så og høste to tre ganger i året. Jakte kunne du på kjøttrike dyrearter bare med en enkel pil og bue, Fisk var det nok av i vannene og i havet. Det var ikke nødvendig å hamstre, eller skaffe seg mat eller naturrikdommer andre steder. Du hadde alt på et kontinent.

Vakker, livfull tropisk regnskog.

I dette tankeeksperimentet kan du forestille deg at det var slik også i England, Frankrike, Belgia, Spania og Portugal. Men ikke i Afrika! Her var det kjøligere, nærmest nordeuropeisk temperatur, ganske harde vintre, og du måtte hamstre, eller finne opp måter å overleve på som krevde mer spesialisering, ikke minst når det gjaldt produksjon av klær og materialer til isolering av boliger.

Å innrette seg etter klima, naturmangfold og temperatur:

Mennesket er utstyrt slik, uansett farge og rase, at det med sin hjernekapasitet, sitt håndlag  og fingerferdigheter, utvikler den beste og mest effektive måten å overleve på utfra de forholdene naturen rundt dem byr på.

Så i Afrika utviklet de båter og skipsfart, de utviklet spinnemaskiner og andre oppfinnelser som gjorde hverdagen og særlig vinteren mer bekvem. Et enkelt men likevel meget effektivt pengesystem fant de også frem til, istedenfor bare å bytte vare mot annen vare. Det oppfant også geværet slik at jakten ble enda mer effektiv. Med våpen kunne de afrikanske bøndene også tilegne seg nytt land, og beskytte eiendommen med ammunisjon. Noen oppdaget at det å ha nok våpen ga dem et maktovertak overfor andre bønder, og det utviklet seg et klassesystem, der storbøndene kunne herse med de små, og tilrane seg mer og mer land til å dyrke bomull, frukt, kaffe, appelsiner osv, som de trengte selv og til eksport.

“Hjelp, de er helt hvite i huden, de stakkars bleikingene!”

Amerikansk høvdingdatter i stammedrakt fra gamledager tatt til fange og shippet til Afrika som slave.

Men så hadde de største afrikanske jordeierne også behov for en stor arbeidsstokk. Siden de fleste afrikanske menn var selveiende bønder som hadde nok med sitt, måtte de store afrikanske jordeierne se etter andre måter å skaffe seg arbeidsfolk på. På flere av afrikanernes reiser rundt om i verden, kom de til land hvor folk så livredde og bleke ut. Det var et skremmende syn, og disse blekingene virket helt naive og dumme. Nesten barnslige i sin godtroenhet. Ikke trodde de på noen kristen Gud heller. Så hvorfor ikke ta disse mumlende, kvakkende idiotene av noen mennesker med seg over til Afrika og bruke dem som gratis arbeidskraft på de store og mellomstore plantasjene.

Hvite ukristelige gutter og menn, et skremmende primitivt syn for de afrikanske slavehandlerne. Men de kunne vel komme til nytte når de ble solgt på markedet i Mombasa.

Å bare forsyne seg av andre lands mennesker til eget bruk.

Som tenkt så gjort. Her fikk de med seg brasilianere og sør-amerikanere til å kidnappe nord-amerikanerne fra deres eget hjemland. Mange av de ville amerikanere motsatte seg å bli fanget, men med våpen i hånd og bestikkelser av noen av høvdingene deres, gikk det forholdsvis greit, bortsett fra at mange amerikanere ikke tålte sjøreisen over havet til Afrika og døde på veien. Men det var så mange av dem og nesten umulig å se forskjell på disse hvite, hva spilte vel 100 eller 500 døde av dem, fra eller til.  

Slaveskip, fra historienet.no

Endelig ankommet Afrika ble amerikanerne solgt av slavehandlerne til høystbydende afrikanske jordeiere. De bleke men kraftige muskuløse unge mennene gikk til høyest pris, de lave og litt krokryggede, og slitne etter sjøreisen gikk på billigsalg. Fra brygga i de største afrikanske byene gikk turen til plantasjene, der de amerikanske hvite slavene ble satt i arbeid umiddelbart. Noen fikk også lenker rundt foten så de ikke skulle rømme. De amerikanske damene og fine fruene ble satt til å jobbe inne på gårdene, godsene og herregårdene!

Arbeidsdagen kunne vare opptil 14 timer i døgnet, og gjorde ikke de hvite det som ble forventet av dem, ble de pisket og slått. I flere hundre år hadde amerikanerne det slik i Afrika, mens jordeierne, plantasjeeierne ble rikere og rikere. Imellomtiden fikk disse eiendomsbesitterne pga. sine midler og sin maktposisjon, lederstillinger i afrikansk politikk. Fra disse posisjonene i senatet og representantenes hus kunne de lage lover som både legitimerte slavehandelen deres og den brutale utnyttelsen og avstraffelsen av de hvite, med loven i hånd.

Parlamentet i I Addis Abbeba, av OGTN , Africa.

De svarte mente de var overlegne de hvite, fordi de hadde skapt en sivilisasjon av byer, industri, avansert teknologi, mens de hvite i Amerika, England, Frankrike, Belgia, Spania, og Portugal fortsatt stort sett levde primitivt av naturen.

Example of African Society’s supremacy; the great center of Nairobi, Kenya.

Dessuten fløy mange hvite rundt i bushen helt eller halvnakne. De hadde tydelig nok kraft i bein og armer, men ikke i hjernen. Dette gjorde at de svarte afrikanerne så seg berettiget til å herske over dem!

De sjarmerende med svært primitive og usiviliserte hvite i sitt rette element ute i naturen.

Det fantes dem som syntes litt synd på de hvite:

“Den fremsynte President N’Gadana Mbeki som var langt forut for sin tid da han opphevet det hvite slaveriet.

Ikke før N’Gadana Mbeki opphevet slaveriet i 1865, kunne slavene få sin frihet. Men frihet er et for sterkt ord. De hadde verken gods eller gull, jord eller penger. Skjebnen til disse stakkars amerikanerne var å fortsette et slags slaveri for å tjene til livets opphold som annenrangs borgere, som ingen av de svarte ville anerkjenne som gode afrikanere. Slik ble Afrika delt mellom den rike svarte befolkningen med skikkelige borgerrettighete, og en hvit underklasse kalt «bleikinger» som bare hadde adgang til noen få offentlige steder, skoler og universiteter med svært lav status.

Barn av hvite frigitte slaver havnet i fattigdom. Men barn hadde de råd til å lage!

Da bilene kom måtte de kjøre rundt i egne busser, nesten som fanger. Så ble det opptøyer, en organisasjon erkekonservative afrikanere Keenia-Crux-Plan begynte å drepe de hvite amerikanere. Dette skapte en opprørstemning med bilbranner, gatekamper og massearrestasjoner i Mombasa og Nairobi, samt  fire andre store byer på kontinentet. 

Afrikansk politi må stoppe de hvites opprør pga. raseloven og rasisitisk diskriminering . Philadelphia Magazine.

President Johnson McKele fikk endelig roet gemyttene med sin Civil Right Act, der det ble forbudt å diskriminere de hvite. Men helt frem til i dag blir de hvite hatet, sett ned på og lider økonomisk under fattigdomsgrensen i Afrika. De utgjør flesteparten av fengslede i Afrika, og har ikke råd til gode advokater. De hvite kan arresteres uten noen grunn, de stoppes 4 ganger så ofte av politiet som de svarte. De skytes, kveles og lemlestes av politiet i de fleste statene i Afrika.

President Sir Johnson Mkele’s Civil Right’s Act.

De hvites indignerte rop om at verden må våkne:

«Vi har aldri bedt om å bli kidnappet fra USA, vårt hjemland, av dere afrikanere, sier de hvite aktivistene. Vi hvite amerikanere har aldri bedt om å bli solgt som husdyr, satt til slavearbeid for å gjøre dere afrikanere rike. Og nå ser dere ned på oss, hater oss mange av dere, frykter oss, betrakter oss som kriminelle, enda de fleste av oss ikke har gjort noe galt i det hele tatt!

Dere svarte rike går for det meste fri for alt dere gjør mot afrikansk lov! Enda det er dere som er de kriminelle, som fanget våre hvite amerikanske forfedre, og tvang dem til både å bo og slave for dere i et helt fremmed land, uten rettigheter. Og når så de kidnappede hvite slavene får barn og barnebarn igjen, så betraktes vi etterkommerne som et problem, som verdiløse, late, og giddalause «bleikinge afrikanere» som dere kan trampe på når det passer. Mange av dere kjenner ikke historien. Dere ser bare den hvite hudfargen og tenker, – det er den som er problemet.

“De hvites problem, skyldes liksom all elendigheten som følger med den hvite rasen. Men vi sier. Enten har dere så dårlig samvittighet eller så dårlig selvfølelse at dere trenger noen å skyve skylden over på, eller så må dere ha noen å se ned på, som dere synes er enda mindre verdt enn dere selv føler dere som. Denne holdningen finnes til og med blant de rike og rene, svarte afrikanerne som både våre forfedre og vi etterkommerne, har gitt våre liv for å berike, ja gjøre enormt rike og mektige. Så rike at mange av dere styrer eller påvirker styret av Afrika nå, med sine enorme pengegaver. Deres dypere dårlige samvittighet virker nesten som når den innerst inne skamfulle MeToo anklagede sjefen bebreider sin voldtatte sekretær, for å være en hore, som forførte ham og ikke omvendt! Fy for skam! Det er sånn vi føler denne urettferdigheten når dere nå sist i Nairobi, stopper den hvite 45 åringen William Britton, bare for en bagatell av en mistanke, legger ham i bakken, og setter kneet på halspulsåren hans i åtte minutter og 46 sekunder, så han dør av kvelning og hjertestans. Bare fordi han ikke har mørkt fargestoff i huden! Fy faen så historie og kunnskapsløse dere er!”

Hilsen en av lederne for WLM.

“William Britton” ett minutt før han legges i bakken og har 8 min og 46 sekunder igjen å leve. (illustrasjonfoto fra Nailand.com)
PS. Som alle vet: Afrikanerne gjorde aldri alt dette! De kidnappet ikke sine hvite søstre og brødre i Amerika for å gjøre dem til slaver for sin egen vinnings skyld! De banket ikke etterkommerne sine opp, slo dem til blods, lot politiet fengsle, skyte eller kvele dem uten lov og dom. De så heller ikke ned på dem, dumpet sin egen frustrasjon på dem, eller tenkte de var primitive og dumme, eller farlige og måtte holdes nede!

Amerikas Forente stater: Takk afro-amerikanerne for sin vanvittige innsats over flere hundre år, og be om undskyldning for alle overgrepene som ble begått mot dem!

Ja, Amerikas USA, burde takke sine afro-amerikanske medmennesker for ved sitt slaveri å ha bidratt gratis til å gjøre landet til verdens mektigste stat. En stat som med de riktige lederne og med en utjevningspolitikk kunne vært et demokratisk foregangsland i verden!

“My father, my father, why has thou forsaken me?” Dad’s importance in his son’s life.


Michelangelo’s The Creation of Man

What is a father’s function in relation to his son?

What does it mean to be a father? What duties does a father have in relation to his son? How should he be and how should he act? What can happen if he cannot live up to what is required of a father?

Me and dad at the boathouse after fishing. (private photo)

Almost all men can become fathers, but without necessarily being able to fulfill the role of a father to their children. Undoubtedly everyone has a biological father. It is as universal as the necessity of having a biological mother. But not everyone lives together with their biological parents. And even less with their biological father. Nevertheless, biology is not the most important thing when it comes to paternity. Not even that of living with dad all the time. Most important of all is the fact that there’s someone there, who can fill the function of a father to the boy.

Father and son, by AllProDad

When the son gets into trouble.

Imagine a teenage boy who ends up in places in the city where he shouldn’t be, or in a gang where there has been lot’s of trouble. One night he is brought in by the police. He sits at a table at the police station opposite an adult and apparently nice cop. The male cop says: We have repeatedly observed you in places in this city where there is a lot of crime. And it’s late at night! The cell phone you have in your pocket seems very new and expensive. Is it yours? (The boy looks down at the desk with a stiff expression, his hands are clenched, as if ready to hit back.)

A teenager in trouble (photo from HelpForParents)

The cop continues: Do your parents know that you wander around the the streets in the city this late at night? Does your father know? (The boy looks up at the calm cop inquiring him.) I’m going to call your parents in a while and tell them you’re here right now. – How do you think your dad will react to that? (The boy’s facial expressions and mimic signal indifference.)

A police officer talking to a young man in corona times, outside the police station. (Illustration from Agderposten).

Getting a conversation

The cop moves forward cautiously and kindly: I almost have to ask you: How is your father?….. Are you two at the same wavelength, or what about that? After a long while and a bottle of Cola across the table from the station’s soda machine, the boy’s face opens up a bit, and he puts his hand on the forehead. Then somewhat hesitantly he starts to talk about how awful it gets at home if the cop calls them. That’s fucking hell, he says. The policeman asks in what way it would be difficult, and little by little the teenager produces very important information about business as usual at home. In this way, and at the same time, the officer is now trying to create an alliance with the young man to get a grip of his life situation.

Behind the son’s tough facade there might be desperation and sorrow. by Family Today.

The dialogue above is an example of relevant questions that an active and outgoing police officer should ask all teenagers who are arrested for gang or felony crime. Maybe wise policemen do just that every day for prevention purposes. At least they try to do it in my country. The same questions could also have successfully been given to an adult inmate convicted of repeated violent crime. It will allow for reflection and better statistics on which factors promote or inhibit crime and substance abuse.

An man in his late twenties,incarcerated for violence, by DeositPhotos(Illustration)

However, this first little article is not just about the importance of fathers to prevent crime of sons. The article primarily addresses the importance that a father plays in his own son’s life. It also focuses on what a father must do in order for the relationship to work.

A father is naturally also of great importance to girls, so that side of the case is highlighted in a third article on the topic. (As long as this is a US based website, the first article on research and statistics will be largely characterized by US conditions. Part 2. will try to compensate for that by referring more to Norwegian and Scandinavian conditions. Nevertheless, the essence of the role of the father will be the same on both continents, in the world as a whole, I think.)

Some personal questions:

You might aswell ask yourself the same questions: How is your father? What kind of relationship do you have with him? Have you ever reflected on how he treats you? Is, or was he nice to you, engaged in your life? Is, or was he nice to your mom too? Does he show or did he show her thoughtfulness and love! What about yourself? Did he ever say or says, “I love you my son”? Or, while kindly shaking your hair; “You know I’m very fond of you, my little rascal, or prince!”

Father and son showing affection for each other, by Freepik
Father loving his grown up son, by Daily Mail

The function of a dad is more important than his biology.

You don’t need a biological father present in your life if you have a good replacement! It is about taking time, and having the will and ability to make yourself available to the young male during his developmental process. Mental or physically absent fathers are a major societal problem in several countries.

Almost every man can be a biological father. (A microscope photo of a spermcell,CBS News)

The American “Fatherhood organization” says the following; There is a crisis of absence when it comes to fathers in the United States. ” According to the US Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, or more than 1 in 4 children, live without a father in their home. Consequently, it is a father factor in almost all psychosocial problems and illnesses that the United States is facing today.

Even darker is the image for African American families. Here, more than 33% of all Afro-American children under 18 grow up without their fathers.

Is that so serious, one might ask , when they have their good mothers to support them? Unfortunately, after many years in psychiatry, my own experience is that even the best mother cannot compensate for an absent father. And how can she manage one or more jobs, and at the same time be at home with the children, and after school take them on football training, karate, and other leisure activities, without help? Or avoid degrading and depleting poverty if she has to resort to social assistance?

What a father has to do, to give his son what he needs.

It is no wonder that the Family First organization in the United States has an AllProDad program to advise and support fathers to take responsibility for their sons. AllProDad highlights seven ways fathers can create happy, trusting and self-secure sons: (The seven areas are simplified and translated by me)

1. Show your son that you love his mother!

Then your son will also be able to respect and love his sisters and women in general. Because as a father you are a role model for your son, good or bad, that he will copy (consciously or unconsciously). (my addition)

2. Your son need to see that also you can make mistakes.

At the same time, you must show that you can cope with the mistakes you make from time to time. That you are able to correct the problem or damage. Then your son also will believe that it’s allowed to make mistakes, without losing self-respect or losing face. Even relations between people can be repaired!

3. Your son must see that you can lead the family by being it’s benevolent servant.

Your son must see that leadership involves making yourself available to the needs of the family members, trying to fulfill these as far as possible. My addition: The son needs to see that his father thinks more about the wellbeing of the others in the family, than caring for his own ego. In Scandinavian countries we would also say there are two leaders in a typical mother-father-child family.)

4. Be present on your son’s differnt arenas!

Even though you, as a father, are drawn in many directions both at work and in the community, you must still try to be present in most of the arenas where your son is located. It’s not enough that just mom or friends are there. Dad needs to be there too! (And you quickly figure out when to retire and leave the arena to your son and his privacy and friendships.)

5. Show that you love your son!

Your son needs you to love him no matter if he is different from you. He needs your love even if he has completely different interests and hobbies than you have, or had! (Love from a dad should be unconditional and not dependent on a son’s skills.) (My clarification)

6. Your son needs your acceptance and affirmation:

He must hear you say: “I love you, my son. “” I’m proud of you, son. ” “You’re fantastic, son.” “I know you can do it, son.” “It was an amazing play you made!” “Good job, boy!” “You did’nt succeed today, but I know you’ll come back stronger next time!” A son needs to hear the words that let him know that you love having him as a son.

My Addition: When your son is smaller, however, the performance should not be over-emphasized. Instead, focus on making your son feel comfortable with what he does. That he rejoices in, for example, jumping excitedly around on the trampoline. On the other hand, if too much emphasis is placed on the level of performance, your boy may be too easily guided by external expectations and not inner motivation. Outer focus on performance boosts self-confidence if the boy is clever and apt. But his deeper self-esteem is not so much nourished by performance success. Conversely, if the son does not achieve what is expected, it affects both self-confidence and the underlying self-esteem. Then unfortunately the boy will not feel that he is good enough, or good enough for neither the father nor the world out there.

Holmenkollen ski jump, Oslo, Norway, from Url.json

(I remember that my father (the man sitting beside me on the old photo , above) who at the age of 18, was a Norwegian ski jumping champion, did not critizise me even if I was not the the best in skijumping in our neighborhood. He just said it looked like I was enjoying the flight in the air, although the length was not exactly world-record. The five-year-old neighbor boy, on the other hand, was alltogether superb. But I still thought I was a good enough jumper and enjoyed it every time. A good many years later though, in 1982, the neighbor boy won his Silver Medal in the Holmenkollen World Championship.) And my father was very proud. Me too, having lived next door to him.)

7. Your son needs thoughtful and loving regulation and discipline.

But he does not need punitive discipline! However, he must learn that his actions have consequences for both himself and others. (Limiting should at the same time give acceptance for the son’s desire to transgress the rules and agreements because it seems alluring and exciting. Still, the father must stand up and not give in to pressure) (my addition)

Sometimes a son won’t listen to his father at all. Then it’s better to take a pause and restart later.

(Here my father made a serious mistake. I was beaten when I did something wrong, especially after my mother died, and we got housekeepers complaining about me. When they gossiped when he returned home from work, I got a beating many hours after the incident. Several of my friends got the same from their fathers. The result was that we carried so much anger in us that, anger that we didn’t dare to take out on anyone else. So we had a fight almost every single day.)

Still, I got night squeezes and evening prayers from my dad when I was going to bed. And when his friend, a very tough captain in Scandinavian Airlines stayed with us, and my dad was out at night, I got both a spoonful of codliver oil and a hug from him as well. But the kind of diciplining boys that these fathers stood for at that time, was too harsh. (See what this once brought me into:http://www.selvuniverset.com/2016/07/06/genetics-and-environment/

Boy with a knife, from The Telegraph

Can research contribute anything to our theme?

There are many studies out there about the consequences of various ways the father figure works. Here in part 1. there is only room for a few.

It seems, for example, that a loving, but sometimes angry father, is still better for the son than an indifferent one, because it shows commitment and increased time spent on the part of the father vis a vis his son. But physical punishment must not occur.

However, many fathers have had the belief that it is their job to make men out of their sons: Ronald F. Levant, a professor of psychology at Universitetey in Akron, Ohio, has researched men’s psychology based on the relationship they have had to their fathers. According to Levant, the time that fathers set aside to be with the son corresponds positively with the son’s self-esteem. The researcher has also looked at the sons’ relationship with their fathers in terms of masculinity. Here, it turned out that the fathers’ rigid expectations of the sons’ masculinity matched poorly with the older sons’ confidence and satisfaction with the realationship to their fathers. Instead, these expectations of masculinity led to increasing and harmful alcohol use. The study also showed that when the father emphasized that his son showed great self-confidence, – being a committed father did not help much.

When the son becomes a father himelf, he must consider what kind of a model he likes to be. (Illustration from alamy stock)).

When the sons end up in jail.

I will end this article where we began, – with the police officer who asked the young man about his relationship to his father. Research has also shown that the incarceration rate is higher for children who grow up in homes without a biological father present than where there is a father. Highest is the rate for children who had never lived with their dads. In a survey conducted by the US Department of Justice, statistics were collected for the initial life situation of inmates:

39 percent had lived in “only mother” households.

46 percent had a family member who was previously imprisoned.

20 percent were children of fathers who had been in prison.

Illustrasjonsfoto fra Tek.no

To dad or father:

If you are a father reading this, I hope it inspires you to focus positively on your son. If, on the other hand, you get a bad conscience or irritation when you read this content, think that most issues can be repaired if you admit your mistakes and sharpen yourself. You can apologize, but without asking for immediate forgiveness. It may take some time to re-establish something that has derailed. But don’t give up. A good relationship with your son or sons, will make life better for you too!

To the son:

If you are a son reading this, then demand a little more from your father. Give him “a kick in the ***,” and get him off the couch, away from the PC, away from his stock quotes, cell-phone, business occupation, or bottle. You are the GOLD in his life, not the money! If you have bad economy in your family, try talking about it in a constructive way. Deep down, there is nothing more your father wants, than to be a good father to you, even if it seems that he has given it up.

In part 2 we will look more into examples and reflections on the role of the father in the Scandinavian countries.

It helps to have a father’s hand to hold on to, when the world seems a bit scary, Photo from Bergens Tidende.