Don’t fuck with God’s own Child once more!

Stop fucking with the lives of millions of children and their families.

(This article was originally written to interpret and convey the underlying and all time relevant message imbedded in the story of the Birth of Christ. It’s a message independent of any specific religion or religious belief. (see: ) And it applies today to what’s going on in warzones like Syria, Jemen, Sudan, and other countries where guns and ammunition  are more worth than human lives. It applies even to India and some countries in Africa where gang raping of young children, especially girls are common. Therefore this strong appeal to all of us, and  especially the people that let this happen for reasons they one day have to take the full personal responsability for.)

Don’t fuck with God’s own child, once more!

Let everyone bow in respect of God’s or Nature’s amazing new creation.

No gun or bomb should ever threaten the newborn’s birthplace and family.

The human child is every other child’s brother or sister, every other man or woman’s own child.

The baby is every commander in chief, general and warrior’s own son and daughter.

Give him or her your full recognition. And Support the parents to give their best into loving and caring for this child of the Universe.

Secure the child’s economy and education until it can provide for itself!

As humans, we are all, of the same flesh and blood. 

Don’t fuck with God’s own child, once more!

Amen, Inshallah!

Syrian medics rescuing a newborn child.

The original article:

Christmas Topical Symbolism. The Message of Christmas in Our time.

   Canis Minoris “Procyon”, a double star in the constellation,  “Little Dog.”

Modern man in the digital era seem to have abolished God. Or at least put him in a category of superstitions and fairytales. Even with this background of doubt and lacking faith, his  son and Christmas is intensely marked and celebrated all over the world.

What did they do at the time of “Christmas”, before Christ?

For us in the northwestern part of the world, – these days are rather dark and short. We are in some kind of annual eclipse. The sun peaks at its lowest position on the horizon at noon, about the 21th December. That means the 21th December is the shortest and subsequently darkest day in the year. This year in 2016 it happened on Wednesday 21th at 10.44 UCT.(Universal Coordinated Time)

Midwinter,Oslo, Norway, at noon 21th december.

We often call this event, the turning of the sun, even if that concept is astronomically wrong. It is the earth’s journey around the sun that because of the tilting of the earth’s axis, brings the northern hemisphere gradually out of the shade and back into the sunside.

In ancient times, this occasion was celebrated in the middle of January in the Northern and Scandinavian countries. The celebration was called Midwinter blot, and corresponded with Solstice and Saturnalia of the Romans celebrating the deity of Jupiter. It was a sacrifice or worshiping feast. Bonfires were lit to reduce darkness. Goats, pigs and sheep were sacrificed, and beer was drunk to alleviate the common winter depression and despair.

         A huge midwinter bonfire with a large collection pagans and non-believers.

Jesus was most probably born in September October in year 7.

To set Jesus birth by the Catholic church to the 25th of December instead of in the shift between September and October was smart. The table was already set for a big annual feast. If he had been born at December the 25th, there had been no major star lightening up the landscape.

2 years after the official year 0, Venus and Saturn were coming together in a conjunction the 17th of June. That made the apparent starlight from the two planets into a brilliant and shining star. But even more likely it is that the grand conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in October five years later, formed the effect, necessary to lighten up the winter horizon in Palestine, as the Christmas Star.

There were still shepherds and sheep out in the hills. In December, however, the herds are no longer out because of the low temperature of the Middle East’s winter.

Christians, historians and astronomers will most likely discuss this for centuries to come. What Psychological Universe, is most interested in is the symbolism embedded in the Christmas story. This symbolism I will interpret very down to earth, as a guidance to how we all should treat a newcomer to this world ,and its closest family.

The strong symbolism:

1. A small barn:

When a child is born, even the poorest dwelling transforms to a cathedral.

Today we have modern birth clinics in many parts of the world. Nowadays in the industrial world, very few receive their newborns at home. When it occasionally happens, it is carried through under secured circumstances, most often in very comfortable homes.

According the Christmas story, even a very humble and poor dwelling becomes a holy place when a child is born there. Symbolically it’s birthplace is lit up by a gigantic ray from a beautiful star. Supporters and fans are coming from near and far to show their interest and to be present at this miraculous event.

 2. A brilliant star:

Spotlight on the importance of the birth of a new human child.

Psychological Universe interpret the message embedded in the Christmas story, that a child birth is a fantastic event. Not only for the mother, father and their family, but for the whole world! The nine months of pregnancy, and the growth of the child inside the mother is of course both scientifically explained and described in detail.

At the same time, this phenomenon contains one of a Nature’s real mysteries. How can two small units, – the egg and the sperm, make such a complex biochemical, neurological and organismic wonder like the human body and mind?

With deep respect for the child as a wonder of Nature and the Universe itself, the entering of a new child onto the world’s stage, should indeed be considered a great event! It should also elicit profound gratitude, humility, and awe, and mobilize every bystander and relative to ensure the child a good start in life.

In fact, the child Jesus is looked upon as the incarnation of God on earth. Aren’t we all considered to be the children of God in our Catholic and Protestant church? Then we should at least treat the newborn child as we treat a newborn king or queen. A part of God stranded on this planet.

          A child of Nature or God

There is evidence from scientific clinical psychology, that treating a child in its first 24 months, as his or her majesty will make a solid and robust foundation for the child’s self-esteem, later in life. That is in fact a very good investment in the child’s psychological health and wellbeing especially during periods later in life when the child will experience to be cast from the throne and humiliated by others that never experienced royal treatment as infants and toddlers. 

If you spotlight the first years of a child, the child can live without being in the spotlight all the time.

3. A newborn king:

“Come ye all”! The human child is God’s own child.

To be celebrated at birth as a king or queen, underscores the enormous impact it has for both the child and the parents to be royally welcomed into the world. A red-carpet treatment for the parent-child-unit makes the trinity, or mother-child duality fully acknowledged and recognized just by its mere presence.

         We must be treated very, very regal, – at least our two first years.

That also makes mother and father very proud and ready for all the loving care and responsibility they need to raise a child in the same atmosphere.  That three holy kings seek the newborn child, and present gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, also has a strong symbolic significance:

GOLD:                                                                                                                                     To receive gold as initial capital in the child’s life provide a material security to fall back on if difficult economic times should hit the family. Symbolically speaking, gold was something you just gave significant people, royal children, children of leaders, or children of very “high birth”.

As a global society we should consider to provide all newborns with a base capital in life. This capital we could “borrow” from the vast amount of money accrued in different funds all over the world. A capital given to the child and guarded by an independent monetary caretaker. This caretaker’s only job was to secure the child economically, and prevent it from the distress of poverty until reached 18 years.

FRANKINCENSE:                                                                                                   Frankincense created an atmosphere of purified air and relaxation. Incense steam is also nowadays regarded as a reminder of the non-visual world, and the connection to the spiritual universe.

Psychological Universe interpret this symbol as a reminder that the child’s upbringing should accommodate both psychosocial, material as well as spiritual conditions.

     The “Francinsence- tree” , Boswellia Sacra.


      From tree to incense smoke

MYRRH:                                                                                                                        Myrrh was frequently used in folk medicine, and it had a healing effect on a variety of disorders. In a symbolic perspective the gift reminds us of the importance of ensuring the child’s health throughout childhood.

Down to this earth:

The Christmas story represent a formidable reminder of the importance of the newborn human infant’s birth. This can be summarized in a simple prayer:

Don’t fuck with God’s own child, once more! (Prayer)  

Let everyone bow in respect of God’s or Nature’s amazing new creation.

No gun or bomb should ever threaten the newborn’s birthplace and family.

The human child is every other child’s brother or sister, every other man or woman’s own child.

The baby is every commander in chief, general and warrior’s own son and daughter.

Give him or her your full recognition. And Support the parents to give their best into loving and caring for this child of the Universe.

Secure the child’s economy and education until it can provide for itself!

As humans, we are all, of the same flesh and blood. 

Don’t fuck with God’s own child, once more!

Amen, Inshallah!

                Syrian medics rescuing a newborn child

The Author

I am a clinical psychologist, wanting in a simple manner to share my experiences and views of man, to the common public. My aim is to remind ourselves what an almost inconceivably advanced organism we humans are.

 Author of Psychological Universe, still quite worried about the current status of the world and humanity.

Despite our enormous brain capacity, and inborn social friendliness, our gradually evolving psychology, and its coping strategies, unfortunately, adapt themselves to an already unfriendly world.

This makes us consciously or unconsciously copying the strategies of the dominant, competitive, vindictive, and fiendish role models that apparently rule the world with their power.

That approach is so to speak a survival instinct of man, in a warlike scene. This scene is our family, our schoolyard, at work or in business or politics, not to mention international affairs.

Research tells us, however, that our present and dominant mode of survival can be changed. This change is possible, – only if we gradually realize that the “fight and conquer approach”, does not necessarily convey our true self as human beings.

Instead, it might be said to convey a rather skewed adaption to a somewhat skewed world. A world mostly defined by powerful people, with both money, and means to get their view of man out through all kinds of media. If that view of man is not mediated by words,  it is perfectly mediated by a recognizable pattern of actions.

Ever since philosopher Hobbes’s famous quote, “everybody’s war with everybody”, and Thomas H. Huxley’s misediting of the last edition of Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Species”, this obsolete view of man has been ruling the world.

Therefore we must change this negative view of man according to new research on the human brain and on infants and children.

We know that both children and grown-ups, identify with important people in their surroundings. This impact from role models also models their own way of thinking, feeling, and acting towards others and the world. It also models their sense of self and their self-confidence.

What is the alternative: If the present obsolete and negative view of man is left there unchallenged, it will be difficult to cope with climate change, uncurbed capitalism, and meaningless warfare.

It will also make it very difficult to reconcile different religions, and continue building stable societies


Please accept that you need not be an active contributor to the current situation in the world. Neither do you need to be a passive bystander to all this!

You have probably the most advanced brain and nervous system in our part of the Universe. Use it for all that it’s worth. That’s my challenge to you and me. That’s my reason for this website.

 Check “CONTENT” on the horizontal menu, to find posts and pages with examples, and argumentation for this new turn in the perception of you and me, as human beings.